You are running late, you have a meeting coming up, and there is no coffee. We face problems at the office sometimes, there are many different things that can go wrong or cause some issues. This can be something like forgetting a memo or something more annoying such as having a file that is not the right file type. The first reason this is annoying is that you might not know it’s the wrong file type until you need to use it or send it to someone, secondly, you have to think about converting it. Converting documents can be challenging but it does not have to be true. One of the most common types of files you will have to work with is a text file. While these are convenient when it comes to editing text, they are not always the most favored when it comes to sharing. For that, you will need a PDF.
When trying to convert files though there are some issues that you might run into though, one of those will be formatting, formatting a document is not easy and there are some instances when you attempt to convert the file that it could become distorted in some way such as a text or image shift. This can ruin the overall look of the file. This is one of the reasons why it is preferable to work with PDFs since they can hold some of the forms a bit better when used on different devices and platforms. Since PDFs are better, it makes sense to convert files to PDF files but how exactly can we do that?

Converting Image Files to PDF
Usually, when we think of converting files to a PDF, we might think of converting a text file which makes sense but there are other types of files such as jpegs which can also be converted to a PDF. This is actually very easy since PDFs themselves are image files. There are many tools online that can be used to convert a jpeg to a PDF. There are some free online tools and while these are very good and often free the best bet is to use one of the great online PDF editors such as Adobe Acrobat or Lumin PDF.
Converting Presentation Files to PDF
In addition to text files, and various types of images there are other things that can be converted into a PDF. One of the other things that you can convert into a PDF is a PowerPoint presentation. This is useful for people who do presentations and need to send a hard copy version of the presentation to other people. Without converting the PowerPoint, they might not be able to access it as easily on a different device, if it has been converted into a PDF they will be surely able to open and edit even.
Converting Spreadsheet Files to PDF
One of the most common file types that people work with in the office is spreadsheets. These spreadsheets are most commonly worked on as an Excel file (unless you are doing it by hand!). While Excel is an awesome program and way to work with data, it is not always the best way to share the information contained therein. If you are working on some large report and need a segment of the data, there is no sense in simply using the Excel file, perhaps it’s not possible. Luckily, the file can be converted into a PDF and either merge the PDF to a larger PDF file or send it to another party that you are working with.
Converting Web Pages and HTML Files to PDF
If you are compiling a report or presentation and need to reference a particular webpage, you can even convert a webpage to a PDF. To do this you will need a PDF editor such as Lumin PDF editor. In addition to the PDF editor, you might have to install some sort of extension but this is easy to do. Once you have converted the webpage, you can either merge it with another PDF editor or since you have a PDF editor in this instance, you can even edit the webpage in PDF form. This is a great tool that lets you make a secure copy of almost any webpage.
Converting Email Messages to PDF
For some people, it might sound strange to think of saving an email as a PDF but there are many reasons that you might want to do this. By preserving emails in PDF form you can keep them secure and archive them for later use. This means that you can use it as part of a report, future emails (without having to go back and forward it) as well as proof that you received or sent something to someone. A PDF copy of the email is to create. All you have to do is go to the print option for your email and instead select the export to PDF option. This can change slightly depending on which type of PDF editor you have.
Although when working in the office you will work with a variety of file types, one of the easiest and best to use is the PDF file. This is because PDFs are standardized and require special programs to operate. This means that if your coworker is using a Mac and using an outdated computer running on Windows 95, then you can still send them a document that they can open.
Since PDFs are so useful and ubiquitous, it is important to be able to convert documents to PDF form. Even if Microsoft Word is a great program for writing it might not be the best for what you need the document for, this is why converting it to a PDF is useful. Once a file has been converted to a PDF you will be able to share it with others in a secure way. And if they need it in the original file type, they can still be used to convert the PDF back to its original state.
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