Show kids that God can take and turn broken and damaged things into something beautiful. This object lesson also teaches the importance of faith in God’s Word.
Hide a bunch of hearts around the room. Explain that the words of Romans 5:10-11 represent these hearts. Let a volunteer unbind each of the hearts while reading the verse.
A Glass of Water
Object lessons add an element of 3-D to a Bible lesson and make them more memorable. They are ideal for children’s church, Sunday school, Awana, and family devotions. Use these fun object lessons to teach kids that God loves them.
Explain that God created the world, which is beautiful and full of wisdom. He shows His love for us through nature, like a sunrise or a blooming flower. Encourage the class to talk about other ways they see God’s love.
Give each child a piece of paper with three to four words from Colossians 1:17. Have them place the words in order and read the verse aloud again to themselves. Ask them to think about what it means to give thanks. Have them draw a picture or write their thoughts on the paper.
Ask a volunteer to help you with this object lesson. Set out a glass of water, a sponge, and a cup. Ask the volunteer to squeeze as much water as possible from the sponge into the cup. Point out that this represents how we show love to others. Then have the volunteer close his eyes and imagine Heaven. Tell the class that it is because of Jesus’ love that we have the opportunity to live forever with Him in Heaven.
A Sponge
If you have ever watched an electric motor, you know how cool it is to see how it works. The different parts are put together in a specific way to complete the task that it is meant to do. We can see how God puts our broken pieces back together to do what He wants us to do. It is like when Paul was a violent man who tried to capture and hurt people who didn’t believe like him, but God took that same man and turned him into one of the most famous missionaries in history.
This is the point of this clever free object lessons for childrens church. Many people feel like there is a wrapper around them that keeps God’s love from coming out of their mouths. They don’t think He loves them because they have so many bad things in their lives that God cannot overlook. They never taste the sweetness of His love and wonder why they are so miserable. This is why teaching kids to love others with kindness is so important.
Have the children come inside and warmly greet them. Ask each child to lie down on a large piece of paper in front of them. A table with a tub of Hershey’s Kisses is on the other end of the room. Have the students form two teams. Each team member will need a sponge and a bottle. When the teacher says go, a student from each group will take their sponge, run to the bottle, and with their arms stretched straight out in front of them, they will try to squeeze the water into the empty bottle until it is filled—the first team to load their bottle wins.
A Bucket of Water
Teaching kids about God’s love is essential to raising confident children. A growing relationship with God gives kids a source of deep confidence and wisdom that only He can provide. However, if we don’t help kids develop a deep love for God, their faith becomes religion instead of a source of hope and guidance in everyday life.
To demonstrate the importance of loving others:
Ask a volunteer to come up and hold a glass of water.
Explain that the cup represents someone else.
Instruct the volunteer to use a sponge to remove as much water as possible into his glass, simulating the amount of freshwater available on earth for human and animal consumption.
Hold up his glass to show the class when the volunteer is done.
Ask the class what they think of this demonstration. They will probably say that getting all the water into the glass takes a lot of effort, but it’s still not enough. They’ll probably also say that the sponge is too small to hold all the moisture. This is an excellent opportunity to discuss how we can be too small to show our love for others.
This adaptable Sunday school object lesson also doubles as an exciting science experiment. Have the class divided into teams. Each team should have a pitcher filled with water and a container of sand. Then have them stir the sand and water together as hard as possible while teammates cheer them on. Follow up with Romans 8:31-39.
A Giant Cookie
If you have ever tried to tie a shoelace and it kept coming undone, this object lesson will help kids understand why. The shoelace isn’t bound until you do it! Explain to children that the same is true for spiritual truths. Just talking about them won’t make them accurate – they must be lived out to be effective.
This is a great object lesson to teach kids the importance of being kind. Give each child a paper fan and have them fold it into a “U” shape and hold it up against their face to demonstrate how they can be “fans” of one another to show love to one another. Talk about how kindness can help us deal with negative emotions and how the opposite – like harsh words – can be destructive.
Before class, ask for a volunteer to come up to the front of the room and have them set down a clear glass and a sponge. Tell the volunteer that the sponge represents someone else’s heart and that they are trying to show this person how much they love them. Then instruct the volunteer to squeeze as much water from the sponge into the cup as possible. When the sponge is empty, explain that the same is true of our sins – if we try to hide our sins from others, they will eventually find a way out, and it won’t be pretty. Read more interesting articles on Tech new master